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  • West Falls NY Forward Feedback Form

    Share your feedback by September 18th! < Back West Falls NY Forward Feedback Form Deb Fenn Sep 5, 2024 Share your feedback by September 18th! Thank you to each of you who were able to make it to the 2nd West Falls NY Forward Public Workshop on Wednesday, Sept. 4th. More than 50 attended! In addition to residents having the in-person opportunity to evaluate the 14 projects currently under consideration, there is an online project feedback form that residents can complete. The form will remain open until September 18th . Visit the project website at and select the Project Feedback button, or scan the QR code below. Previous Next

  • “Sculpture Alley” Debuts on Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail in Springville

    Springville trail and art supporters celebrate new works in Sculpture Alley. < Back “Sculpture Alley” Debuts on Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail in Springville Mary Brummer Aug 4, 2023 Springville trail and art supporters celebrate new works in Sculpture Alley. Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail (ECRT) is showing its artistic side in the Village of Springville. In partnership with Springville Center for the Arts, ECRT commissioned Bennington sculptor J. Brian Pfeiffer of A Sculptor’s Soul studio to create the inaugural two sculptures for “Sculpture Alley”, a section of ECRT just north of Franklin Street behind the Peerless Winsmith building. “Incorporating materials reflecting this area’s industrial past into art along this section of the trail is a creative way to enhance the outdoor experience here,” said Seth Wochensky, Executive Director of Springville Center for the Arts, and originator of the “Sculpture Alley” concept in Springville. “The goal of ‘Sculpture Alley’ is to bring interactive art into an outdoor environment that is accessible to all,” said Mary Brummer, President of Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail. ECRT is a multi-use recreational trail on the corridor of the former Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad. The trail is open to all free of charge 365 days per year from dawn until dusk. J. Brian Pfeiffer has created two sculptures using his favored medium of poured concrete over a rebar frame. The first sculpture is an abstract figure of a traveler sitting on a platform next to a suitcase which holds a spinnable sphere painted as a world map. The figure is positioned as if peering down the tracks awaiting the arrival of a train. The second sculpture is a tall form with a spherical base from which emerges a straight shaft topped by a colorful disc, echoing historic railroad signaling gear. The art pieces are mounted on either side of the trail some distance from each other, so they may be appreciated as the trail user approaches and passes each one. The art is meant to be engaging and interactive, as people are invited to linger with the works and to touch them. ECRT President Mary Brummer, Sculptor J. Brian Pfeiffer, and SCA Executive Director Seth Wochensky celebrate new art installed in 'Sculpture Alley' along Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail in Springville." The two sculptures were installed at the “Sculpture Alley” site in late July and were celebrated on August 4 as members of Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail and Springville Center for the Arts gathered to thank J. Brian Pfeiffer for the creativity and sparkle that these works bring to the trail. As children climbed on one of the sculptures, Brian Pfeiffer noted, “To have an adult contemplate my artwork is wonderful, but to have a child run up to one of my sculptures and make it part of their adventure in that moment - now that is the ultimate reward!” This project is made possible with funds from the Expanding Access to Arts Funding in WNY, a regrant program of New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by the Cullen Foundation. "Springville art supporters and members of Springville Center for the Arts gather around one of the newly installed sculptures along Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail’s “Sculpture Alley” in the Village of Springville on August 4." Previous Next

  • Mary Brummer |

    Mary Brummer, DVM Mary Brummer got involved with ECRT not long after her retirement in 2017 from 33 fulfilling years as a small animal veterinarian in Orchard Park. She finally had time to pursue her varied and numerous interests, but she carefully considered where she wanted to commit her newfound free time. Mary was aware that there was an effort underway to get the rail trail developed as a multi use recreational trail, but she could not find any news about the endeavor, so she approached the OP Recreation department, and discovered that a Rail Trail group was meeting every month in the basement of the Municipal building. Mary attended her first Board meeting there in January 2018 and she was impressed by the energy of that initial group of 10 people actively seeking ways to make the trail a reality. Everyone there had creative ideas, as well as the vision and attitude that they were going to “make this happen”, and Mary decided that she wanted to be a part of that. One of the Board members organized an overnight trip to the Pine Creek Rail Trail near Coudersport, PA. Mary and then-president Anne Bergantz rode the trail for two and a half hours, talking about the organization and its history, and Anne really brought Mary “into the fold”. The group of 12 spent a day riding, visiting, eating and relaxing on the trail. Many small businesses had popped up along the trail’s path, especially in the village centers, and it made a huge impression upon her. The Pine Creek Rail Trail embodies for Mary what she envisions the ECRT Cattaraugus Rail Trail being someday. Mary was asked to be the group’s secretary. She also worked on the group’s Governance Team with the intent to firm up the Board’s structure, define best practices, develop standard operating procedures for a land trust, avoid conflicts of interest, improve record-keeping, and set parameters for elections and term limits of Board members. Mary grew up in Snyder, the “middle” daughter surrounded by five brothers. She attended Mount St. Joseph Academy and studied Biology at UB. No career path “lit her up” until she browsed through a catalog of careers in the school Guidance office and “Veterinarian” really appealed to her. She visited a veterinary hospital to learn more about the field, eventually working part-time at the Amherst Animal Hospital, where she learned to love the “small business family” way of operating. She graduated as a general veterinary practitioner from Cornell University, which is where she met her husband, David. David is more recently retired, too, from his career as a specialist in veterinary internal medicine. David and Mary have two grown children, and two grandchildren. Mary loves to garden and has been in the Orchard Park Garden Club for many years. She learned the intricacies of being a flower show judge, going on to become President of the Judges Council. This was a huge commitment of time that required her to combine her creativity, science and horticultural skills as well as a fair bit of engineering to not only design floral pieces, but Floral Design workshops as well. Active in her church for the past 30 years, she chairs the Worship team, with the goal of making services more creative and engaging. Mary played the flute during her school years but set it aside until an aunt’s passing, when she was encouraged to play the flute at her aunt’s funeral service. That special experience led her to resume taking lessons, and forming a flute quartet that plays in public several times a year. “A day that I can play just feels like it has more value,” Mary says. Mary shares her husband’s goal to be always curious about the world, feeling that it is a life force that provides us opportunities to grow, create and explore until life’s end. She feels called to talk and work with community members and elected officials in order to forge the best way to get things done and move forward. She’s inspired to make it a reality to one day take her grandchildren for a bike ride on the trail in Orchard Park, and perhaps enjoy a “sculpture alley” or a “pollinator garden” along the way. More volunteers

  • Join us for the Fourth Annual EA2EVL Fondo

    Sign up today for EA2EVL Fondo 2024! 42-mile Charity Ride Supports ECRT Trail < Back Join us for the Fourth Annual EA2EVL Fondo Beth Lasky May 27, 2024 Sign up today for EA2EVL Fondo 2024! 42-mile Charity Ride Supports ECRT Trail Join us on October 5th for the 4th annual EA2EVL Fondo, a 42-mile epic road ride from East Aurora to Ellicottville. The ride will venture down Route 240 through the fall foliage and rolling hills of Western New York and end with a celebration at the beautiful Holiday Valley. The best part: 100% of the proceeds benefit ECRT! Register today! This event has SOLD OUT for three years and raised $150,000 to support the ECRT trail. We've used those funds to remove rails and ties, improve drainage and resurface the first 1.3 miles of the trail starting at the Orchard Park Village Depot. In June of 2023 this beautiful section opened to the public, connecting to the 2 miles of natural surface trail open at Jewett Holmwood Road. EA2EVL 2024 funds will be used to expand and improve the trail further south. Here's how YOU can help! RIDE ON: If you are a biker, register today ! YOU are the secret to the success of this major source of funds needed to build the rail trail - so we ask you to FUNDRAISE as well! If you raise a minimum of $100 in donations , you get an event t-shirt and tickets for food and drinks at the finish line party. If you raise $500 or more , you also get an event jersey. The top fundraiser gets to wear the coveted yellow jersey. So sign up, ask your friends, family and coworkers to donate ( here ), and enjoy a great fall ride! REGISTER HERE . VOLUNTEER: We will need volunteers for the start line at 42 North Brewing Company in East Aurora, three water stops (Colden, Concord and West Valley), course pointers and traffic control on the route, and at the finish line party at Holiday Valley. Volunteers sign up HERE . We’ll be in touch with more specific instructions for your role. DONATE: If you can't join us, you can still help by supporting one of the riders on our registration site here . SPREAD THE WORD! Invite others to join in the fun. Post this link to your social media: or share this QR code: See you on October 5th! Previous Next

  • Orchard Park Trail Walk

    Celebrate National Trails Day with a walk on the Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail! < Back Orchard Park Trail Walk Deborah Stellrecht Jun 1, 2024 Celebrate National Trails Day with a walk on the Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail! We will start at the historic Orchard Park Train depot and go as far as Ellicott Road in Aurora (a distance of 3 miles), then turn around and come back - for a total distance of 6 miles. Plan on 1.5 hours for the complete walk. For those who prefer a shorter walk , You can turn around at Jewett-Holmwood Rd instead, for a total distance of 2 miles. Be sure to wear sturdy footwear. Families with kids! There will be a little scavenger hunt available for the kids on a short stretch of the trail near the depot. Children under 16 should be accompanied by an adult. Upon your return to the depot, finish your celebration of the trail with an ice cream treat. We hope to see you there! (Rain or shine) Register by May 30th at ! Parking is available at the depot and at the ECRT Bank Street lot . After your Trail Walk and ice cream, you're all invited to Sprague Brook Park for the Brews Blues & BBQ party hosted by our friends at 42 North Brewing Company for some great food, drink and music! Previous Next

  • ECRT Launches Membership Program

    ECRT 's NEW Membership Program starting August 1st! < Back ECRT Launches Membership Program Membership Committee Jul 31, 2024 ECRT 's NEW Membership Program starting August 1st! ECRT is excited to announce a NEW Membership Program! As we continue to advance our fundraising efforts to meet our financial goals and complete the development of the trail for the benefit of all users, we have developed a new membership program that offers our contributing supporters tangible benefits in return for their financial support of the trail. These benefits will allow our members to be more actively engaged in ECRT progress and trail-related events. Below are the new Membership levels and their benefits. Individual: $30 Annually ECRT Car magnet - to show you are a supporter of the Trail. We hope that the additional benefits you’ll now receive for a contributing membership will be an incentive to click the button below and sign up for your New and improved! ECRT Membership. Limited Special Benefit: If you sign up during our initial Membership Drive, between now and October 5, 2024 , you will also receive a fun ECRT water bottle koozie to hold your beverage while you walk around on or off the trail . (1 per household) Individual participation in Member-exclusive trail activities such as walks, bike rides, Railroad history talks, etc. Early Access to ECRT's Email Newsletter Early Sign up for ECRT Events: EA2EVL FONDO ride, Trail walks, etc. "Trail Talk", a Winter Member meeting with light refreshments Family: $50 Annually (all must reside in same household) All the benefits of Individual membership, plus : Entire Family household can participate in Member-exclusive trail events Early Sign up for ECRT Family friendly events for children, etc. Patron: $100 Annually All the benefits of Family membership, plus : Recognition: Special recognition in the ECRT's Annual Report. (optional) Exclusive options to have a sneak peek at unopened sections of the trail Exclusive option for the 1st walking tour of newly opened sections of the trail Entry into a drawing to be Grand Marshal at the Fondo Entry into ECRT raffles for exciting prizes Benefactor: $250 Annually All the benefits of Patron membership, plus : Guided VIP tour of a specific trail section or points of interest, with reception to follow with ECRT Board Members Recognition: On special section of ECRT website (optional) Sponsor: $1000 Annually All the benefits of Benefactor membership, plus : Invitation to an exclusive Sponsor thank-you event with the ECRT's leadership Recognition: Your name at a prominent location along the trail - showing your support (optional) We hope that the additional benefits you’ll now receive for a contributing membership will be an incentive to click the Join Now button and sign up for your New and improved! ECRT Membership. With our gratitude for your support, Mary Brummer, President Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail, Inc. Or go to to sign up online. Have questions? Email us at . Previous Next

  • ECRT Needs YOU!

    We would love to work with you!  < Back ECRT Needs YOU! Mary Brummer, ECRT President Mar 10, 2024 We would love to work with you! Photo by Amer Mughawish on Unsplash ECRT is a vibrant, energetic group of volunteers on a mission to build a Southtowns recreational trail for all to enjoy. Do you see yourself in a leadership role as this project proceeds? We would love to work with you! We're especially interested in people who want to volunteer their skills in these areas: Communications: Photography, especially at events. Social media and newsletter content creation. Community Engagement: Hold m eetings to update the public and to receive feedback. Development Director: Seek funding to build the trail. Event Planner: Plan and prepare fundraising events. Grant Writer: We have a great team in place, but we're happy to have helping hands. Membership/CRM Assistant: A newer initiative for ECRT - help us build and engage our membership and maintain a Membership management program. Construction Project Manager: Segments of the trail are built as funding is acquired. If any one of these roles appeals to you and you have the skills to offer, please contact us at 716-771-2453 or email and let's discuss it in more detail. We'll provide you with excellent mentorship. Come join us on Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail! Previous Next

  • Remembering Jim Slominski

    September 10, 1948 - October 15, 2024 < Back Remembering Jim Slominski Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail Oct 22, 2024 September 10, 1948 - October 15, 2024 Jim grew up near train tracks. “I was fascinated with anything that had to do with trains. When we lived on Liberty Drive off Taylor Road, I could watch trains come and go from our family room.” ECRT relied on Board member and volunteer Jim Slominski for his deep knowledge and dedication to preserving railroad history. As a trustee of the Western New York Railroad Historical Society and chair of the Orchard Park Depot Committee, Jim became involved with ECRT due to a primary interest in preserving the integrity of the former Buffalo-Pittsburg Railroad right-of-way. After joining the ECRT Board of Directors in 2012, Jim was pleased with the trail’s noticeable, significant progress in recent years, especially to see the newly completed section open up in June 2023, connecting the trail to the depot. “It will have an enormous, positive effect on the Village,” Jim declared then. “You’ll see people using the trail on a regular basis to come to the Village to visit the library, to shop or to attend events. I predict we’ll see a lot more interest in and activity around depot which, of course, we welcome!” Jim certainly will be remembered as a generous, supportive ECRT Board member and central figure with the WNYRHS. He was instrumental in getting the OP Depot renovated and opening it up to community groups, especially to ECRT. He was instrumental in getting the OP Depot renovated and opening it up to community groups, and greatly aided in the completion of the OP Village trail. Jim quietly made good things happen. Jim’s quiet presence and steadfast support will be greatly missed by everyone who had the pleasure of knowing him - at the Depot, on the trail and at ECRT events. Previous Next

  • Bill Krebs

    Beth Lasky Bill Krebs Bill Krebs, Mayor of Springville, advocates for the ECRT Trail The Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail (ECRT) has over 6,000 friends and supporters, but Springville Mayor Bill Krebs stands out from the rest! Bill first heard about the trail in 2008 when he read a news story that the Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad was considering railbanking its 27-mile inactive rail line that runs from Orchard Park to Ashford, crossing right through the middle of Springville, NY. Seeing potential When Bill became the Mayor of Springville in 2006, the railroad had started to remove the ties and ballast on that line, but they never finished. “What they left was an industrial parking lot—an eye sore right in the middle of town.” Bill reported. “When I learned there was potential to turn that mess into a multi-use trail, I was definitely interested.” Advocating for the trail A retired schoolteacher and former Boy Scout leader, Bill knew to do his research. First, he checked out trails in other communities to see how a ‘rails to trails’ could benefit Springville. Then he investigated railbanking, and learned it was a program Congress enacted to keep rail corridors ready for future rail use, allowing them to be opened for interim use as trails. That same year, Ann Bergantz approached Bill about joining a new non-profit she was forming called ECRT to bring all 27-miles of this local trail to life. Bill became a huge advocate for trail development. He formed a committee of residents to explore the possibility of transforming the unused rail line into a multi-use trail. The Village Trustees participated in the trail design and its vision in their community. However, they became frustrated at the length of time it was taking for New York State Parks to secure a contract from the railroad. Because NYS Parks was busy developing the Genesee Valley Greenway, they turned the project over to Ann and the ECRT Board of Directors, which was a real turning point. “While the 49-year lease for all 27-miles took a few more years, ECRT helped us secure a simple ‘Right of Entry’ agreement for our 1.8 mile section, which we named The Pop Warner Trail after a local football hero ,” Bill stated. “That contract was signed in 2015, and then the real fun began.” Bringing the trail to life The Pop Warner Committee worked with ECRT to support the design of the trail. The Village Department of Public Works constructed the trail using millings as the surface. The project really took off when the committee secured a $12,000 grant from the Springville Griffith Institute Community Foundation, which they used to buy benches, tables, and signs. To add more amenities, local residents donated a kiosk, a library and trees, and Erie County funded signage at the intersection of the WNY Scenic Byway. At a Grand Opening Ceremony In 2016, Bill proudly cut the ribbon to the 1.8 mile Pop Warner section of the ECRT trail. In 2019, the open section was extended another three miles to Genesee Road. And while there is always more work to do improving the surface and signage, Bill could not be prouder. “I’m thrilled to see so many people on the trail hiking, dog-walking and biking year-round, with snowshoers, skiers and snowmobilers taking the trail into town in the winter ,” Bill said. “It’s a legacy trail, with so much potential for the future, linking to the Senior Center, the high school, Springville Field and the Stream Trout Pond. ” July 1, 2021 Written by: Beth Lasky Previous Next < Back

  • Springville-Concord Friends Group Gathers

    Springville-Concord Friends gathered in person for the first time since the COVID pandemic on Saturday, February 4th - the coldest day yet of the winter season! < Back Springville-Concord Friends Group Gathers Deb Fenn Feb 4, 2023 Springville-Concord Friends gathered in person for the first time since the COVID pandemic on Saturday, February 4th - the coldest day yet of the winter season! Friends leader Mary Carol Dearing offered a warm welcome at 5 Leaf Clover restaurant, located near the Pop Warner section of the Springville trail. The group discussed recent trail updates as well as opportunities for trail-focused events, improvements and community involvement. The Friends then took to the trail for a brisk winter walk from the Depot north past some vibrant trailside murals. Thanks to a grant from the Cullen Foundation in concert with the Springville Center for the Arts, this section will soon feature the first sculpture installation on what is envisioned to become Sculpture Alley along the trail. Look for this and other happenings this spring on this open, active section of trail! Previous Next

  • New Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail Merchandise

    Browse more than 150 new products and save 15% on your purchases until August 21st. < Back New Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail Merchandise Deborah Stellrecht Aug 15, 2024 Browse more than 150 new products and save 15% on your purchases until August 21st. We're excited to announce our NEW online store today - the ECRT Shop. There you'll find ECRT branded clothing items to suit anyone's style, mugs, stickers, water bottles and more. When you buy, you'll also be giving to the trail, because ECRT receives a percentage of each purchase! Previous Next

  • Accessibility Improved at OP Depot tracks

    Rails no longer impede wheelchair access to the trail < Back Accessibility Improved at OP Depot tracks Debbie Stellrecht Jul 20, 2023 Rails no longer impede wheelchair access to the trail Our volunteers went to work to resolve the problem of wheelchairs being unable to get over the rails and onto the trail. We're so grateful to these people who work quietly and diligently to make the trail pleasant and accessible for all! Previous Next

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