Deborah Stellrecht
Aug 24, 2023
So many ways that YOU can help!

We need volunteers to help out with our EA2EVL FONDO 42-mile charity bike ride on September 30th. Volunteer tasks include:
Start assistants: Help with registration and Start area of event at 42 North Brewery in East Aurora. Includes handing out registration packets, event giveaways, and associated items.
Course Pointers: Help ensure participants remain on-course, particularly in potentially confusing intersections, sometimes calling out instructions in potentially confusing locations along the route.
Water stops: Provide water and snacks to riders, answer questions and cheer them on!
Finish line assistants: Help in handing out food, water, and Gatorade, answer rider questions and help with clean-up of finish area.
As a small token of our appreciation for helping with the ride, you'll receive a ride t-shirt, as well as drink and food tickets to the after ride party at Holiday Valley. Past years' volunteers' tell us that it's also a great time!
Please sign up at our website today to help us make the ride a safe and fun one for all riders! https://www.givesignup.org/.../NY/EastAurora/EA2EVLFondo.
Can't volunteer? Donate! Every little bit helps!